Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod® Touch. Print photos, emails, webpages and files including Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint® and PDF documents. Also supports Box, Dropbox, Evernote®*1, Google Drive™ and Microsoft OneDrive™. Epson iPrint makes printing easy and convenient whether your printer is in the next room or across the world. Key Features • Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad • Print from anywhere in the world to email-enabled Epson printers using remote print functionality • Print photos, PDFs and Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Print stored files, email attachments, and online files from Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive • Capture a document with your device camera, format, enhance, then save, ready to print • Scan from your Epson all-in-one and share your file (save to your device, send via email or save online) • Copy documents and photos using your mobile device and a nearby Epson printer • Transfer files between your device and an SD card or USB drive via an Epson printer • Check your printer's status and ink levels • Print within a complex network environment using manual IP printer setup • Get help with a built-in FAQ section Advanced Features • Print high quality photos with automatic backlight and color cast correction • Choose and print multiple photos • Print your email attachments and stored files • Configure your print options including paper size and type, number of copies, page range and one- or two-sided printing • Print with and without borders • Switch between color or monochrome printing • Choose from different scanning resolutions and image types • Optimize print quality • Buy ink and supplies for your printer • Setup & register to Epson Connect • Manage remote printers
Epson L3151 Podpora
Mobile Apps
Epson iPrint Mobile App for iOS
Dodatne informacije:
Epson iPrint Mobile App
Dodatne informacije:
Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod® Touch. Print photos, emails, webpages and files including Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint® and PDF documents. Also supports Box, Dropbox, Evernote®*1, Google Drive™ and Microsoft OneDrive™. Epson iPrint makes printing easy and convenient whether your printer is in the next room or across the world. Key Features • Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad • Print from anywhere in the world to email-enabled Epson printers using remote print functionality • Print photos, PDFs and Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Print stored files, email attachments, and online files from Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive • Capture a document with your device camera, format, enhance, then save, ready to print • Scan from your Epson all-in-one and share your file (save to your device, send via email or save online) • Copy documents and photos using your mobile device and a nearby Epson printer • Transfer files between your device and an SD card or USB drive via an Epson printer • Check your printer's status and ink levels • Print within a complex network environment using manual IP printer setup • Get help with a built-in FAQ section Advanced Features • Print high quality photos with automatic backlight and color cast correction • Choose and print multiple photos • Print your email attachments and stored files • Configure your print options including paper size and type, number of copies, page range and one- or two-sided printing • Print with and without borders • Switch between color or monochrome printing • Choose from different scanning resolutions and image types • Optimize print quality • Buy ink and supplies for your printer • Setup & register to Epson Connect • Manage remote printers
Video posnetki
Video posnetki
Connection (Wireless / Wired)
Ink / Paper
Priročniki in dokumentacija
Priročniki in dokumentacija
User's Guide (v2.0)
Quick Start Manual (v1.0)
Startup Guide (v1.0)
4.00 MB
Dodatne informacije:
This manual provides you with information on how to use your product from setting up to troubleshooting.
1.02 MB
Dodatne informacije:
This manual contains diagrams along with basic descriptions to help you start using your EPSON product.
0.46 MB
Dodatne informacije:
This guide will help you set up and begin using your product. It includes information on setting up your product and installing the software.
Registracija in možnosti garancije
Registracija in možnosti garancije
Registrirajte svoj izdelek
Registracija novega izdelka
Preverite svojo garancijo
Če želite preveriti stanje garancije vašega izdelka, kliknite na spodnji gumb »Preveri stanje garancije« in vnesite serijsko številko svojega izdelka na strani za podporo.
Možnosti podaljšane garancije (CoverPlus)
Zaščitite svoj izdelek Epson tudi po izteku standardne garancijske dobe s storitvijo Epson CoverPlus. Če želite izvedeti več o naših možnostih podaljšane garancije za vaš novi izdelek, kliknite na spodnji gumb »Ogled možnosti podaljšane garancije«.
Stopite v stik z nami
Stopite v stik z nami
Please contact our Epson authorised service partner below:
Avtera d.o.o.
Litijska cesta 259
1261 Ljubljana-Dobrunje
Tel: +386 1 58 53 610
Fax: +386 1 58 53 455
Podpora za robote:
DAX Electronic Systems d.o.o.
Vreskovo 68
1420 Trbovlje
Tel: +386 (0) 3 5630 500
Fax: +386 (0) 3 5630 501
Avtera d.o.o.
Litijska cesta 259
1261 Ljubljana-Dobrunje
Tel: +386 1 58 53 610
Fax: +386 1 58 53 455
Podpora za robote:
DAX Electronic Systems d.o.o.
Vreskovo 68
1420 Trbovlje
Tel: +386 (0) 3 5630 500
Fax: +386 (0) 3 5630 501
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